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Oracal 8300 Transparent Cal Vinyl

Discover the Oracal 8300 Transparent Adhesive Vinyl collection at Atlanta Vinyl. This high-quality vinyl is perfect for creating unique designs on a range of surfaces, including glass, plastic, and metal. Its transparency allows for endless possibilities, as you can layer different colors and textures to create unique visual effects.

Oracal 8300 is available in a range of vibrant colors, including red, blue, green, and yellow. Its 3-mil thickness ensures impressive durability and adhesion, ensuring your designs will remain securely attached to your chosen surface. Its transparent finish also allows it to blend seamlessly into any background, making it ideal for creating custom designs that require a subtle, yet eye-catching finish.

Oracal 8300 Features
Thickness: 3 mil
Adhesive: Clear, solvent-based, permanent adhesive
Durability: 5 years
Minimum Application Temp: 46°F
Works with all hobby and craft cutters
Characteristics: transparent colored PVC film with UV stabilizers and a gloss finish

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073 Dark Grey Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


074 Middle Grey Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


079 Red Brown Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


060 Dark Green Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


097 Blue Green Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


061 Green Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


068 Grass Green Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


063 Lime-tree Green Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


054 Turquoise Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


049 King Blue Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


057 Traffic Blue Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


051 Gentian Blue Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


052 Azure Blue Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


053 Light Blue Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


096 Steel Blue Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


056 Ice Blue Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


040 Violet Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


077 Telemagenta Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


041 Pink Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


089 Salmon Pink Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


085 Pale Pink Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


034 Orange Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


033 Red Orange Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


047 Orange Red Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


030 Dark Red Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


032 Light Red Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


031 Red Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


025 Brimstone Yellow Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


021 Yellow Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300


020 Golden Yellow Transparent Adhesive Vinyl | Oracal 8300
